Test Enrolment

    Online Application for Course Enrolment

    Application process summary

    This form allows you to apply for enrolment into a course by:

    - providing your personal details
    - selecting your course
    - selecting a payment option

    You will be required to upload your proof of identification (photo id) later in the enrolment. Therefore please make sure you have scanned this prior to completing this form.

    Having the following information available will ensure your application is processed promptly:

    - A valid email address
    - Copy of Driver’s license and Medicare card

    * Once submitted, you will receive an email confirmation that your Application for Enrolment Form has been successfully received

    Our admissions team will process your application and send instructions on what to do next to your nominated email address. These instructions may require further actions to confirm enrolment.


    The information provided in your application is protected under Australian privacy law and the Australian privacy principles. Details of these principles are available from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at www.oaic.gov.au

    1. Course of Enrolment

    2. Personal Details

    3. Organisation / Workplace Details

    4. Contact Details

    5. Postal - Home

    6. Vet Related Details

    7. Unique student identifier (USI)

    The USI is a reference number issued by the Australian Government made up of numbers and letters. It creates a secure online record of your nationally recognised training that you can access anytime and anywhere, and it’s yours for life.

    Please visit www.usi.gov.au and create your USI Number.

    If you already have a USI please write it in the box below.

    If you have forgotten your USI number, or unsure if you have one. Please visit www.usi.gov.au and click on "Not sure if I have a USI / Find my USI" and follow the prompts.

    8. Emergency contact details

    9. Additional Information

    10. Work History (if no resume)

    Please complete requirements in the boxes provided below:

    11. Proof of identification

    Select two types of identification below to upload and complete the requested information.
    Please note we do require at least one (1) form of identification to have a photo.

    You can use a Driver Licence and Medicare Card or copy of Passport or Visa Extract.

    If you experience any issues uploading your documents please email your documents to admin@successresources.com.au
    Please use your name in the subject line

    12. Method of payment

    Our Accounts Team will send an invoice only once your Enrolment Form has been processed. On receipt of invoice the payment can be made directly via a link option if paying by credit card or debit card or see details to complete by bank transfer.

    13. Declaration